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Fostering Learning Autonomy: Why Does It Matter?

Written by Chintya Arlita Edited by Willy Prasetya Photo by Onyengradar via Shutterstock   “This is what Indonesia needs in the future. I am sorry, but the world doesn’t need children who are good at memorizing.” ─ Nadiem Makarim. With the new education policy introduced by Nadiem Makarim, Merdeka Belajar, Indonesian learners are given more […]


Written by Salma Maulani Yesterday, I met my best friend and we had a fun conversation while having dinner together. It was an all-you-can-eat restaurant which felt like fancy dinner for us who used to eat fast food or street food which usually cost below 30 thousand rupiahs.  When I arrived, The first thing that […]

Pemberian Izin Cuti bagi Mahasiswa Angkatan 2020 di Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2020/2021

SURAT EDARAN REKTOR Nomor : 619/Rek/20/DLA/II/2021 Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh, Puji dan syukur kita panjatkan ke hadirat Allah Swt. atas limpahan karunia dan hidayah-Nya kepada kita semua. Dengan memperhatikan dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap ekonomi masyarakat, setelah memberikan keringanan biaya kuliah sesuai dengan keterdampakan sampai dengan 25%, Universitas Islam Indonesia dengan ini juga memberikan kebijakan khusus bagi […]


Written by Safira Ardya   “Well I was thinking you’d come here with someone. I wanted you to have, maybe, a dance with me and Daniel..” “You are not alone, right? Tell me you’re not.” Jane gave me a hug and said so. I personally do not get it why people keep asking me as […]

Should English Be Taught in Early Age?

By. Mehrunnisa Ani Mufti Edited by Salma Maulani   Wherever we travel in the world, we can see advertisements and signs using English. Whenever we enter a restaurant or hotel in foreign country, they will use English to communicate with us. Indeed, English is an international language that has already spread around the world. People […]

A Journey Cross the Clouds

Fatchan Faturrahman Edited by Salma Maulani   Arrived safely in the country located on top of Sulawesi Island, Philippines was a blessing. I would be here for a month to follow one of the projects under Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization called SEA (Southeast Asia) Teacher Project. On the morning of September with hot […]


Pada hari Rabu, 02 Desember 2020 bertempat di Grhatama Pustaka DPAD DIY Jalan Janti, Karangjambe, Banguntapan, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia melalui Seksi Deposit Pengelolaan Bahan Pustaka dan Informasi telah diserahkan Karya Cetak dari Braille’iant Indonesia yang bekerjasama dengan Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Indonesia.Penyerahan oelh Veronica Cristamia Juniarmi dari Braill’ient Indonesia serta Intan […]


Pertanyaan terkait acara dapat ditanyakan ke : Wafa Akhyari : +62 899-5926-310 (WA) untuk link pendaftaran bisa klik disini. Registrasi kehadiran di lakukan mulai 07.00 sesuai susunan acara di bawah ini : “Being a Resilient Learner: Becoming the New You in New Normal Era” and UII Library Information Session Hariz Enggar Wijaya, S.Psi., M. Psi., […]