Getting Along Well with Deadlines


University life requires that students have to manage their time well. How you choose to spend your time can determine the success and failure of your academic career. As a university student, completing deadlines is a responsibility. Not only because assignments are one of the essential parts of your assessment, but they will also be a key part of most jobs that you will be working in after university.


Unfortunately, most students do not use their time effectively. Even when they have a lot of assignments to do, they keep delaying assignments and never get started on them until the deadline is less than 24 hours. So, it becomes so exhausting and has an impact on the quality of your assignment because you have to rush to finish it in a night. If you start working on assignments early, you’ll have enough time to edit your assignments and maximize the quality. When you manage your time well, you will be rewarded with good grades and praise for better assignment quality. Conversely, when you are exhausted and under-pressured, then you don’t have enough time to revise or proofread your assignment.


Here are some tips to spend your time more effectively without rushing to the last minute.


  • Set the deadlines

The first practical step that you can take for managing deadlines is to set aggressive time limits. Setting time limits is different from setting a date deadline. With a deadline, you can potentially spend 5 hours or more on an assignment. While using time limits, you can set yourself 2 hours maximum to finish the task. It will motivate you to complete your assignment and see that setting your own time is crucial.


  • Break down the task

A task usually has smaller parts that you can complete step-by-step. Do not try to tackle the entire task all at once, break it down into smaller and set the reasonable time you need to complete each step to keep your task manageable. Try to focus on one task first, once you’re done you can move on to the next task.


  • Set up reward and punishment

Another great tool to stay motivated to get deadlines done on time is by giving yourself a reward and punishment. If you have finished your assignment on time, give yourself a reward (e.g. ordering some food, watching an episode of a TV series, or reading some heartwarming novel). When behavior is followed by a pleasant outcome, we are more likely to repeat that pleasant outcome. By rewarding yourself whenever you have completed a task well, it will motivate you to work on your things effectively next time. On the other hand, if you fail to do your assignment on time, give yourself harmless punishment like no watching a TV series or no social media until you completed your assignment. It is important to make you stay motivated in completing your assignments.


  • Don’t keep the deadline to yourself

One of the essential components for getting along well with deadlines includes regular communication and providing status updates with your friends or family. You can tell them that you have set up deadlines for completing assignments or a project. They will keep an eye on you and remind you whenever you almost miss the deadlines.



Self-studying a Foreign Language Effectively

written by Willy Prasetya


Foreign languages have become part of our daily life. We often encounter foreign terms in daily conversation and in everyday objects like product labels and signboards on the street. As global mobility has become much easier, foreign languages become increasingly important. 


Unfortunately, many popular foreign languages have complex grammars, thus making it difficult for us to learn those languages. Indeed, there are tutoring services with various language learning programs. However, good quality programs may cost you a fortune, and only a few people can afford them.


Therefore, I will share some tips for self-studying a foreign language effectively. However, I need to emphasize that the process of learning any languages is not instantaneous. Although there are instant programs being offered, their main purpose is to help you pass language proficiency tests or to serve as a starting point. Improving and maintaining language proficiency still requires time, effort, and determination.


Set specific goals

Goals help you allocate your time and energy efficiently. It would be better if you set short-term and long-term goals. For example, to improve speaking skills for everyday conversation, you can set several short-term goals like the abilities of introducing yourself, storytelling, and expressing opinions verbally. By achieving short-term goals one by one, you will get a feeling of achievement at regular intervals. So, the motivation to learn the target language will be maintained.


Get exposed

After setting goals, you should get exposed to the authentic use of the target language. You should read a lot of texts, watch a lot of videos, and listen to a lot of songs or audios in the target language, particularly things related to each of your goals. The habit of reading, watching and listening to authentic target language use will enrich your vocabulary and make it easier for you to understand and use the target language in other situations.


In addition, there are at least three things that you can get through the exposure to the authentic use of the target language. First, you can study the grammar and vocabulary in real situations. Second, you can pay attention to how words and expressions in the target language are conveyed with particular pronunciation and intonation and how they impact listeners or readers. Third, you can also learn the socio-cultural aspects of the target language at the same time.


The key is curiosity. When you don’t know the meaning of a word or an expression, you should immediately look up its meaning and write it down if necessary.


Practice, practice, practice

Exposure itself is not sufficient for improving your language proficiency. You need to put what you have learned into practice. The easiest way is imitation and reading aloud. You can also take some exercises available on the Internet to sharpen your language skills. In addition, a wide variety of language learning apps and massive online courses also provide a lot of exercises and opportunities to practice your language skills.

You should also practice using the target language in real-life communication to know the extent to which your language use can be understood by others. In reality, despite minor grammatical errors, slight mispronunciation, or slightly inappropriate diction, your language use is mostly still understandable for other language users. The key is not to be afraid of trying and to always maintain the learner mindset. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn, so take every opportunity to see what could be improved.


If applied consistently in the long term, the three tips above will not be difficult because they will turn into habits. In fact, if you ask for tips from people who are proficient in a foreign language, their answers will usually be around the three tips above.

The thing that defines the success of foreign language learning is determination, and it is actually the most difficult thing to maintain. However, once you have set your heart on mastering the target language, you will do whatever it takes to achieve that.

A Little Stride To Find The Definition of Happiness

Written by Fitriana Syarifa Ahmad

Edited by Fatwa Hapsari Alwihani


Back to the day when I was 18, In the middle of July. I stayed in my friend’s really plain dormitory for several days before I got my own. I had a couple university tests in jogja at that time. My friend’s dormitory was away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was in the northern part of ring road. It was quite outlying, but for some reason her dormitory was close to the Maguwoharjo Stadium. There was quite a long of heavy traffic running a straight line of imagery between the Stadium and the dormitory. It was pretty good though, because we found lots of traditional snacks on the roadside. Even though the location of the dormitory was in the outlying area, it did not cover the possibility of convenience for getting something you need such as food, home appliances and school stuff. That was a beautiful location for me as a novice since it was very easy access to get this and that.

 On my first day in my friend’s dormitory, I made a friend with a beautiful kind of person called Rahma, she was also my friend’s roommate. This girl was a bit taller than me. She had a beautiful binary eye and she behaved well. She welcomed me at that time. On that day, we had a hot temperature and she took me to have a fresh cold drink at the nearest supermarket. We had a really good talk, we shared our story, which university we applied for, our hobbies, our lifes and the same funny imaginary boyfriend. We did not need much time to get to know each other. Day by day we got closer and when I moved to my own dormitory she also helped me out to clear up my stuff, organized my room, and kindly brought me a lot of healthy food she made.

I got good news, surprisingly I was accepted into one of the private universities in Yogyakarta. I did not expect this, because at the moment I fought with the campus entrance exam question. That really stressed me out yet I did it well. Finally I received the college registration and student orientation schedule. However, I felt confused on how to go to freshmen’s week which was held early in the morning. The distance between the dormitory and the campus was far and I did not have a motorbike. Rahma kindly lent her motorcycle so I could use it for a few days. On the last day, I had a small accident, the motor bike scratched in the front. I did not tell her. I covered it as much as possible. When she took the motorbike she realized something, and I could not dodge it.  She was not angry at all, she just said that it was not about the scratch but the honesty. I heard those words and I felt like I was hit by thousands of hammers on my face, I apologized. Nothing changed after that, we continued to communicate and laugh together.

One day, after a few days without news, apparently Rahma was in a bad condition, she was really broken. I found out after she came and told me about what really happened eventually. She cried a lot. She said that both of her parents legally separated. She left the family. Another distress happened; she was also rejected by several part time jobs she applied for. There were always possibilities beyond things we expected. And this was the most horrible news. A few days ago she found a test that she was suffering from urine Inkontinensia. I could not give words. I just hugged her for 10 seconds at least until she felt calmer. I did not expect that life could be this heavy, she really had the perfect cookie-cutter life. Life was getting hard and hard like never before, I was sure about that. But I knew she was very strong, not everyone could be as strong as her if they faced the same problem.

I let her stay in my dorm for the rest of the day actually for certain purposes. She slept after crying out. She was really tired. I could feel that from her eyes. After an hour, she woke up. In this brittle and sensitive situation, I sat right beside her. I offered her to get out, take a walk, grab some food, have a good time, or even play video games. Whatever that was at least we have to forget that a little and be crazy as a young and free. But what happened after that is she just held my hand and asked me a simple question “What do you want when you grow up?” she said. Without any further ado, I answered that I wanted to be the president of the United States, making friends with Gigi Hadid or other famous people in Hollywood, I want to be a crazy rich person, and marry a pilot. Just that. Silly, but it was. She smiled, she said that my dreams were super complicated, instead she just had one thing, which was she wanted to be happy. “Thank god you can get everything you want, your father, your mom, your family and friends, they’re always there for you and they always have been. Look! Me! Another example of bitter life. Wherever, whenever you are, take your time to feel and to be happy, it is really important to feel happy. While you get your family intact and your friends always, you get the biggest love. And that is the whole perfect life, no matter how much money that you have, it doesn’t have the capability to buy what happiness is.” She said that with a lot of tears. She hugged me. I was feeling good and she was also getting better anyway. I just wanted to say thank you for the little lesson that was apparently the biggest awareness needed by humans. Thank you for being alive and giving me these beautiful words. God bless us!

Maintaining a Good Mood to Support Distance Learning

Written by Lu’luatul Awaliyah

Edited by Fatwa Hapsari Alwihani

It’s been a hard year, dealing with the corona virus that has been prescribed upon us. It requires us to keep our distance in all matters, including learning. A full year we do distance learning, it is not uncommon for us to feel bored, right?

Moreover, we still have to do distance learning this semester, therefore it is important for us to build a good mood to support learning so that we can get proper knowledge. McMillan (2013) revealed that mood is the key that determines the acquisition of learning experiences. Thus, if we have a good mood, then we will have a good learning experience too.

Therefore, in this article I will share some ways on how to maintain a good mood in order to support distance learning.


1. Take Your Time

If anything, what we have now is time. Breath and Relax. Now is the time to seek and figure out who we are and what we want.  It is very important during this pandemic to use the best possible time, between study time, time at home, and refreshing time. In this case, we can manage our time by making a daily plan in the form of a schedule, so that what we do is in accordance with what portion we want to achieve on that day and so that it doesn’t widen everywhere. Furthermore, there are two ways to make better use of our time;

    • Being Productive

Current situation demands us not to involve in some kind of direct competition, organization, or internship. However, we can try online certification as an alternative. In this pandemic covid 19 eras, there are many institutions held online short courses or webinars. In particular, we can take the TOEFL or IELTS preparation course to improve our English skills and abilities. Thus, when pandemics end, we can take the test immediately.

    • Being Collaborative

Do small things that help people. We can work collaboratively with some communities and policy makers to help the others around us. We can create an initiative movement to assist children’s learning during the pandemic era.


2. Do What Make You Happy

The second way to stay in our good mood is to do things that make us happy. Everyone has their own way of being happy, so it depends on each of us. For me, there is an easy way to make me happy. That is doing my routine as in a normal life before pandemic. You can try these cycles;

    • In the morning, we wake up and do sports, cycle, and do things like normal times, because indirectly it will provide a good stimulus to us.
    • then, do the daily work that you have designed previously.
    • When we start getting tired, we can take a break, we can listen to music to relax our minds. In this case, Innes (2016) found that music-listening could boost mood and well-being. Anyway, please listen to music in English, so that even though we are resting, our brain can still learn to process the context and storyline of the music, learn English (of course), and we can learn critical thinking skills.

Tips: if you are confused about the type of work that gives you happiness, think about the kind of life that you want to lead, and let the vision lead the way.


3. Don’t Try to Do It All at Once

Do not try to do it all at once. Trying to do everything all at once can be counter-productive. Start with one thing each day: one thing that is most important, the one thing that would either make everything else easier. in the task alternating, we do get a lot of things done: but not trying to do them all at once, instead by choosing to work in phase, focusing on different things at different times.

If you have some schoolwork or homework, don’t procrastinate, set the schedule right away, and do it little by little, don’t pile up assignments and finish them all at once in one day. It can make you quickly bored and tired.

I realized that the key to achieving things is to prioritize and minimize the distraction that may get in the way of achieving the single most important thing we choose to do.

As also expressed by some lecturers at Ohio State University that they prioritize students’ mental health, student learning mood, happiness, and most importantly students can understand the material without burdening them.


4. Don’t Take It Personally

We are surrounded by family and friends. Do not do all the stuff alone. Never hesitate to ask for help. If boredom attacks us, we can have such a small talk with family. It may seem just a simple thing but it means a lot for some people to strengthen their family bonds. Moreover, most of us are physically separated with friends, we also can make a video call with them, wish them good health, and ask their opinion about something that pops up in our head. Try to communicate what we need; thus, they will understand and help us.


As a student, the most important thing in this pandemic era is how to maintain our good mood during learning activities. A good mood produces a comfortable feeling and it makes us easier to gain new knowledge. Good luck and hopefully it will be useful.




Ayunda, M. (2018). Dear Tomorrow: Notes to My Future Self. Yogyakarta: Bentang Pustaka.

Bower, H, G., Monteiro, K, P., & Gilligan, S, G. (1978). Emotional Mood as a Context for Learning and Recall. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior Stanford University.

Burns, D, D. (2004). Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy. Los Angeles: HarperCollins Publisher.

Chen, L., Zhou, S., & Bryant, J. (2007). Temporal Changes in Mood Repair Through Music Consumption: Effects of Mood, Mood Salience, and Individual Differences. Media Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/15213260701283293.

Goldingay, S., & Land, C. (2014). Emotion: The ‘e’ in engagement in online distance education in social work. Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning, 18(1), [58–72].

Heid, Markham. (APRIL 26, 2018 10:12 AM EDT). You Asked: Is Listening to Music Good For Your Health?. TIME. Retrived on 28 Agustus 2020, 06:00 AM, from

McMillan, W. (2013). Transition to university: The role played by emotion. European Journal of Dental Education 17, 169–176. Doi: 10.0000/eje.12026.

Reinecke, L. (2017). Mood Management Theory. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/9781118783764.wbieme0085.

Camaraderie in Osaka

Written by Salma Maulani and Miftah Haniful Ammar

We were cold and tired. Hours of walking with a heavy bag and luggage made our back aching and our feet hurting. We used to live in a tropical country where a personal car or motorcycle is common to support our mobility. All of sudden, we were in the middle of a windy winter night, in a foreign land where we barely speak enough of the language and we had to figure out the public transportation. On top of it all, we were still jet lagged.

We left our hometown on January, 8 2020 at 2.20 PM and landed at Kansai International Airport the next day, January, 9 2020 at 2 PM. Hours of transit with uncomfortable sleep, one of our team (the only girl with no experience in travel overseas) booked the wrong flight ticket, got lost in finding the hotel, and so on. It was only the beginning of our one-week journey in Osaka Japan.



At that moment, when it felt like the edge of our physical and mental limits, it was when things got interesting. It might have made our anger creeping up to our spine, where every word from others might be annoying and irritating. On the other hand, we need to survive and figure things out, we need to solve the problem, each decision has to be made with many considerations in a short time period. Strangely enough, in the middle of that windy winter night with tons of obstacles, our heart feels very warm. This experience taught us many lessons.

That night after we landed at KIX Airport, we took a nice warm shower and the thing that we had been dying to do for the last 24 hours, a good sleep in a comfortable hotel bed. Our first day came, time to begin the real journey. We started with breakfast at the nearest convenience store and get ready for registration as conference participants at Ritsumeikan University. We headed to Ibaraki, Osaka around 8 am. Figuring out the public transportation system was a big challenge for us. Obviously, we hopped on the wrong train for the first time. Many entrance and exit gates, local trains or rapid trains, transit stations, surely made our head hurt. We almost arrived late but we made it. The registration went well and because that day was Friday, as a muslim and most of the team members were males, we went to Ibaraki Mosque to do the Friday prayer. We walked until our feet hurt and got lost to find the right bus in order to find that mosque. This hardship that we had been through surely taught us how it feels to be the minority.



In Ibaraki Mosque, we met a very kind-hearted gentleman, Pak Hasan-it was his name after he became mualaf. While we discussed finding halal food as lunch, he offered a ride back to our hotel with his car because the nearest bus station is far. He also heard our discussion before and decided to treat us an Indian halal food. Our meeting with pak Hasan was a pure coincidence, we felt like he was the help given by Allah SWT. We were very tired after the long walk, we were hungry because we only ate at convenience store as breakfast before, and it is very hard to find halal restaurant with affordable price.



While we enjoyed our lunch, Pak Hasan told us the story of his journey in converting his religion to Islam. Why he converted his religion, what are the responses of his family, and many problems that he had been through. His stories taught us many life lesson, we became more grateful because we live in a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. At that time, Pak Hasan also told us that he wants to make a bigger mosque and spread Islam in Japan. We really support it and his story truly touched our heart.

The next day, the conference day went well and smoothly. We learned many things from other researchers around the world and we had a lot of fun discussions. It was such an eye-opening moment for us. We felt very happy and glad that we had this chance to meet and had a discussion with those amazing people. We even continue our discussion on the next day with Professor Virginia Peng from Ritsumeikan University.



On this Journey, we visited Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto as well. We shopped in Dotonbori and took many pictures with the famous Glico Sign there. After the conference day, we can fully enjoy Japan as tourists.



However, if we could be honest, what matters the most from this Journey was not the pictures that we posted on our Instagram, it was not the skincare, clothes, gundam, snack or random Japanese things that we bought. It is not about the place or things but the heat pack that we shared, our simple breakfast chicken karage with microwaved instant rice made with love, the food treated by Pak Hasan, our conversation and discussion, our mini games while hours of transit and so on. What matters the most is the people, the experiences, the memories and what we learned from that.



This one-week Journey to Osaka Japan is surely deepen our friendship, teach us how it feels to be the minority, connect us with many amazing people, give us opportunity to practice problem solving, decision making and so on. It made us realize that being alone is okay but being together with the correct and amazing people is great. It was a fun journey with great camaraderie.

The Beginning

Written by Marhamah Ika Putri
Edited by Salma Maulani


Since early dawn, Renata has been busy checking all of the requirements for the orientation activities held by her campus. Today was the day she started her first year as a freshman in one of the colleges located in Yogyakarta. The campus orientation and campus introduction will last for three days straight.

If Renata could be honest with herself, she was not that eager to follow the orientation. She had already imagined in her mind since the night before everything she has gone through for the next three days—including this day. It gets worse because the first day of the orientation scheduled before the sun came up until the sun set in the late afternoon. Without realizing it, she let out a long sigh. 

Renata made up her bed lazily before she went to campus by walking—it only took five minutes to walk from the boarding house to the campus. “Bude are going to tidy it up again later, anyways,” she mumbled as she locked the door. Renata was looking at the sky, the sun had not even set yet, she went down the stairs and opened the gate slowly. 

As Renata walked towards the campus, she saw so many people around her age wearing black skirts/trousers and white shirts just like she wore. Some of them walked along with their friends—some of them were walking alone like she did. Deep down inside, Renata actually felt a little bit worried how to make new friends because of her personality. She often felt shy at first impressions, talked less, and most importantly, she always felt afraid that they would think she was a weirdo.

However in fact, whether she would make new friends or not did not really matter to her. He used to be alone, and it always will be. Since high school, she has often heard—too many times until she forgot—people did not want to talk to him because they thought she always looked fierce and arrogant.

Though, she was never angry about it. Why would she be? She cannot change her face. She even laughed whenever someone was honest about it to her. For now, Renata is more worried about how she is supposed to endure the day with packed activities, which she thought was unattractive and filled with loud voices from the crowded stranger. She hated it.

The campus gate was getting closer. from a distance, she could see rows of people lining up to enter the campus area. There were many seniors there. Each of the seniors was wearing a blue jacket, and there were names tag filled with their name and their job desk. At first, Renata walked normally, then she ran hurriedly when a senior suddenly stared at her. Renata joined in the new line.

Finally, it is her row’s turn to enter the campus area. She was looking around the campus and she wondered why there were not many people. Then she realized it was 06.00 in the morning, there was only an elderly walking on the other side. While she was observing the campus, the seniors suddenly stopped her line. It must be the post where the seniors will check our belongings, Renata guessed. Exactly! all of the seniors started to check the freshmen belongings. 

Renata saw several girls get caught carrying make-up and it was being confiscated by the seniors. Why on earth are they still bringing it? Hopefully it will be returned to them at the end of the day, as she spoke indistinctly. Not long after that, a senior approached her and checked her belongings.

“Okay, this one is clear, next one!” said the senior. It took about 15 minutes to complete the entire screening process of the freshmen belonging to Renata’s line. The line continued to walk and entered a large field. There were many groups of rows on that field which have their own characteristics and Indonesian hero board sign as the code for each group.

Renata checked the distribution of the orientation groups as she walked into the field. She was in the ‘Jenderal Soedirman’ group, She began to look for her group. There it is, she whispered to herself while she walked to her row. Her group row still looked quite empty. There were only two other guide seniors—which surely Renata did not know who they were. 

Kak—a common and polite way to call a senior—, I’m Renata from English Literature major, I am a member of this group”, she said to the senior. Renata was allowed to sit and wait for other members. 

Renata looked around, there were several guys she thought were from her group were already getting along with each other, they even laughed together. Then Renata saw the girls from her group, each of them seemed busy with themselves, without bothering to mingle with others. “Today is going to be a very, very, very long day”, as she was breathing heavily.

“Hello Kak, I’m Kirana. My name is written in the Jenderal Soedirman group”. Renata was looking at the girl that just arrived, with a happy voice talking with the seniors. Renata analyzed that girl from head to toe and their eyes met. Kirana smiled at her and Renata cleared her throat to ease the awkwardness.

Unexpectedly, that new girl walked toward Renata after she finished talking with the senior. Renata immediately fixed her sitting position and acted like she did not see her. “Hi, my name is Kirana, I saw you while I was talking to the senior” she greets Renata. Renata freezed for a moment and she realized that she needed to greet her back. “Hello, I’m Renata”, she gave a brief answer. Without Renata’s permission, Kirana suddenly sat beside her. Renata unconsciously put some distance between Kirana and tried to avoid making eye contact with her. 

“I saw you sitting alone here, that’s why I sit next to you, it is okay right?” asked Kirana. Actually Renata felt very awkward. Renata was unable to think clearly and on how to react towards Kirana, “Yeah, that’s fine,  it’s empty anyway” she answers briefly. Actually she had no idea how to act normally.

“I’m from English Literature major, how about you?” Said Kirana to break the silence, Renata nodded as she answered Kirana’s answer, “we are in the same major”. Suddenly Kirana holds her hand with a happy expression. 

“Yay! We are the same! Finally I found someone from the same major as me!”, Renata laughed awkwardly as she saw the excitement on Kirana’s face. Kirana was typically a girl who is energetic and has a cheerful personality, the opposite of Renata. Long story short, she listened to everything that Kirana said including her perspective about the campus and how she arrived late today because of her boyfriend.

“Renata, I hope we can have a good friendship!” said Kirana. Renata’s heart felt warm. He smiled slightly and nodded at her face. What Kirana said sounds very sincere and maybe this is a sign that today is the day they begin their friendship. While they are still having a fun conversation—or to be exact only Kirana who lead the conversation, suddenly a loud sound from the middle of the field tells them to gather closer.

“They asked us to go there, Let’s go!” Said Kirana. They immediately stood up and picked up their bag. Kirana casually grabs her hand to walk together which Renata never expected. She never thought that she would experience this on her first day as a college student. This is not as bad as I thought it would be, thought Renata. In fact, she gets a new friend and she hopes that this girl will be her best friend in college. She smiled widely as she tried to maintain her footsteps with Kirana.

Why is it Difficult to Learn English?

By Alifa Rismayanti

Edited by Salma Maulani


The majority of EFL students are facing many difficulties in learning English as one of the compulsory subjects in school. Moreover, there are many adults in EFL countries experiencing those difficulties as well.  It resulted in many individuals questioning the factors that cause English become a very difficult language for some people.

There are several reasons why non-native speakers are experiencing the learning process difficult, even some of them think that English is “the weirdest language”. The first reason is many words in English have double consonants but the pronunciation is very different. It leads to the confusion of many learners and frequently wondering “How do they say that?” or “how can I say this word?”. Let’s see on the given example below:




Based on the example above, it is very clear that the same letter combinations can have a totally different pronunciation. The word “through” is read /θruː/; “Tough” is read  /tʌf/; “Throughout” is read /θru(ː)ˈaʊ /; “Thought” is read /θɑːt/; and “though” is read  /ðoʊ/. Each of those words has a different meaning depending on its context; as a conjunction; a noun; a preposition, etc. Moreover, these pronunciations can be more varied when it gets influenced with accents and dialects. For instance, the English language differences between the British accent and American accent. Albeit the words or phrases are the same, it can have different sounds or meanings depending on its context.

Regarding the pronunciation issue, there are also other cases that most people believe that double “o” letters meet in a word, the output sound is /u:/ or /ʊ/. For example, in the word “wood” the output sound is /wʊd/ and the word “school” is /skuːl/. However, in the word “blood” the output sound is /blʌd/. Those are the common challenges in pronunciation for most learners.

The second factor is English has a strange vocabulary pattern. For instance, the word “pineapple”, the tropical fruit that consists of aromatic and edible yellow flesh. The word pineapple has no correlation with the word pine (an evergreen coniferous tree) and apple (a round red or green skin fruit of a tree). Some people might have a hard time understanding the word because it does not make any sense.




Besides pronunciation, grammatical issues also occurred to learners. For instance, to explain something that happened in the past, past tense is used. In order to use the past tense, the first thing that learners learn is usually adding “ed” at the end of the verb such as “work” becomes “worked”. However, irregular verbs do exist like the word “sink” becomes “sank”. It does not necessarily mean adding “ed” at the end of a sentence then the sentence becomes past tense.

Furthermore, there are a lot of grammatical rules that need to be learned in order to master the language. Beside English has 16 tenses, there are many other rules in grammar. Furthermore, there is also a possibility that the English grammar is different from the grammar of the learner’s first language. For example, in the sentence “this is a white shirt”, one of the grammar rules is to put the adjective first followed by the noun. However, in Indonesia language, the grammar is to put the noun first followed by the adjective. That is the case where there is a noun and an adjective, it will be more confusing if there are 2 or more adjectives to describe the noun. For instance, between “this is an old white shirt” and “this is a white old shirt”, which one do you think is grammatically correct? There is only one correct answer even when both sentences make sense.

As a result, in order to overcome the challenges mentioned above, it is very essential to familiarize and expose ourselves with English. It is very obvious that English  is an international language which can enable us to understand many different perspectives around the world and can also open up many opportunities to enhance ourselves in many aspects. Especially when we want to expand our career, many international companies are seeking multilingual professionals every year.


Reference :

Nuria Egam, Why Can English Be Difficult to Learn? Retrieved from,find%

Squline, 18 Manfaat Belajar Bahasa Inggris di Era Globalisasi

Learn English with, 5 Reasons to Learn English

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Dictionary by:

Six Tips to Combat Writer’s Block

Written by Fitri Alfia

Edited by Salma Maulani


According to Oxford Languages, writer’s block is the condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing. As most writers have experienced, whenever writer’s block comes, it will be a huge obstacle to face. It could ruin the mood and leave the story hanging without knowing how long it will take to overcome it. Some writers might know how to deal with it, but others might still struggle to figure it out. Hence, I am going to tell you my tricks to fight this writer’s block.


Step 1. Leave

Whenever I feel like I am stuck, I leave my writing. Then I forget it for a couple of days. I still remember I left my writing for about two weeks. I reckon this leave as a rest time.

During this time, I suggest you try to improve your mood and find the very first reason why you want to write the story.


Step 2. Outline

Some of you might think that writing the outline of the story is such a hassle and you might also have the confidence to write your story directly. However, it is very crucial to write the outline from the start because it is very helpful to maintain the story on the track and when the writer’s block comes you still know where your story is going. You don’t need to write it in complicated ways, just write the key points of every chapter you wanted to tell. You can take a look on the example below:

Chap 1: beginning/meeting/Prolog

Berry is a lonely Bear, lives in a jungle.

Chap 2: Chara A and Chara B get along together

Berry meets a rabbit named Bunny. They are interested in each other and become friends.

Chap 3: There’s a conflict

One day, Bunny leaves Berry alone without warning.

Chap 4: Climax/resolution

Berry is so angry until he knows that Bunny needs to go to find her little shoe. Bunny apologizes to Berry. Then, they make up.

Chap 5: Conclusion/Ending/Epilog

Berry and Bunny live together in a big jungle. Berry is not a lonely Bear anymore.

The example above is only the outline story of my version, you can make it as easy as possible or modify it to your comfort. I advise you to make a fixed format of the outline which covers up all the required parts.

Step 3. Research, Discuss

Wow, it sounds scientific. There is a saying “listen first before you speak, read first before you write”. The more books we read, the more ideas/plots/vocabularies we got. Therefore, doing research means that to read more various short/long stories from any writer. Try to identify what makes you interested in their story and keep reading it. Try to analyze the character, place and plot. Don’t forget to write it down on your notes.

The goal is to get more insight. Furthermore, we might accidentally get some fresh ideas after reading some books. In my case, it helps me build and modify the plot.

In addition, if you have friends from the same community, you can discuss your story with them. Discuss only the part in doubt. However, do not get discouraged from the critique. You are the writer. You have the absolute right to consider which part needs improvement. Don’t accept all advice and apply them at once. Choose wisely.

Step 4. Set Writing time

You might have other various activities than writing, that’s why managing the time, energy and mood to undergo all of the activities is important. Set your writing time in the most suitable time, energy and mood of yours. You could set it as you wish. It is totally in your hand to make it regularly every day or twice a week.

Personally, I prefer to write twice a day, at 2-4 pm and 8-9 pm. I put it into my schedule and make it regular.

Step 5. Posture and Surrounding

I don’t always write in a sitting position. Sometimes I write while lying down on my bed. Although writing in that posture is not good, I feel comfortable. However, please make sure to not stay in this position for a long time.  It could affect your posture and health if you do it regularly for a long term.

One thing for sure, Find your most comfortable position. You can lean on something whenever you need a break. If necessary, place a small pillow next to you.

Next, pay attention to your surroundings. Choose a comfortable place to write. Don’t forget to consider the noise distraction you might get. Some of us like it noisy when others need to be quieter.

Step 6. Begin to write again

Now, you are ready to start again.

Believe in yourself. You are a great writer who can build up a story from imagination and creativity. Remember that, if you can imagine it, you can write it. You will overcome this writer’s block. Let’s start again with a strong-willingness, strong-headed, and strong-heart.

Be confident in yourself that writer’s block is only a signal for break and rest. It is not to stop you from finishing your story.


Written by: Rahmad Saputra & Diah Agustina Ratu

Edited by: Salma Maulani


Chapter One: Eileen


Thank you

That was my first word when I met him. We met at the library while I was searching for some books. I still remember when he helped me to grab my book. Unfortunately, I did not have much time to get to know him further.


Suddenly, he left with a smile.



As he walked out, I followed him to the door, I could still see his smile when he walked into the elevator and wondered “why does he have a smile that comforts me so much?” I wish I knew the reason or at least knew his name but I stupidly waved at him.


Stupid!” I said that to myself many times, then I stayed in the library to read the book that he grabbed for me until late noon. sadly I could not focus on anything.

On that day, when I returned home, I keep remembering the times when he helped me. The eyes, the look, the softness of his voice made my heart thumping like If I were hypnotized.

Really! This is the first time I met a person who can distract me from the world. I lost my mind at that time. It was like destiny made its way to ours. The way we met was just unpredictable. I fell in love instantly. The moment when he looked at me was… I don’t know how to put it into words.


Still imagining his smile, I was such an idiot hoping that the next day I can meet him again. I was desperate to know his name and I kept thinking about him and somehow his smile makes my heart pound so hard.


This might sound cheesy, but… hearts couldn’t lie and being honest wasn’t that bad.



Chapter Two: Anggasta


It was a rainy morning, the last thing I remembered was searching a book in the library for my essay and I saw this girl. She was having trouble grabbing a book. I tried to help her to reach the book with a sense of curiosity towards her, without saying anything I grabbed the book and gave it to her.



“Thank you” she said

I never heard someone say it so sincerely before, I smiled and walked away from her as I am not really good at interacting with people. I used being alone in this big universe. When I walked into the elevator, she waved at me as the door closed.


Funny, somehow I am wondering “what kind of person she is?”


In the afternoon, I had an archery practice near the library. When I pulled my arrow and aimed at the target, I saw her walking out from the library and I got distracted while I unconsciously  released my arrow and missed the target. “Damn!” I said it to myself.


After the practice was over, I went to my bag and checked my phone. There was a reminder that evening, I had an appointment with my doctor. Huuh, I wish I could skip that but unfortunately I had to go to the hospital that evening while my essay is waiting to be finished.


“Calm down! Everything is going to be fine” I said that to cheer myself up.


Chapter Three: Constellation


I felt so familiar with this voice when I heard it. Apparently, that was the voice of hers, the girl whom I helped in the library. It was very crowded in the cafeteria until there’s no empty seats except near her table, there were two empty seats beside her. She was eating and talking with her friends while me and my friend, Bayu, ordered some food.  We Waited for another empty seat but it seemed we ran out of options, without hesitation Bayu approached them because he knew one of the girls who sat with her.


Her name is Sasa, she is from grammar class. Well, I knew her but I have never spoken to her before. I was feeling a little bit nervous and she seemed so surprised when she saw me and Bayu.



“Ya Allah, why is he here?” I couldn’t believe that he is here.


Unexpectedly, I met him in this place, he sat down in front of me and said “Hi” and I said “Hi” back too. Bayu was surprised by showing a shocked face like if he were struck by lightning and then he said “Did you already know each other?” Then we both looked at Bayu with a smile and said “We just did”



It was a long afternoon, all I could do was remain silent until only the two of us left, because Bayu, Sasa and Fafa had a class at that time. Then she thanked me for helping her to grab the book and I said “Don’t mention it” and we did a proper introduction to each other this time.


We felt weird because we were silent before and for an instant, we talked a lot, we even exchanged instagram ID and line as well so we could keep in touch with each other. Funny! We were so far back then like two stars in a different sky but the constellation brought us together and connected to one another.


Chapter Four: Hello Noceur!


-Eileen POV-

My phone rang so much, he texted me while I was reading my book. I don’t know why but all of sudden he video-called me “What should I do?” I couldn’t pick up his call because I was nervous but eventually I picked it up.


He apologized for calling this late and I told him it was okay. It was a random talk with lots of laughs between us. I am so glad that we were getting closer and then the awkward moment happened.


He asked me to go out on Saturday night “what the…..” it felt like I was forgetting how to breathe, it was 1 AM and we have not hit the bed yet. I didn’t mean to reject but I told him “I couldn’t answer it now” then he replied “It’s okay, please let me know if you want to go out with me” .


Along with those conversations he said “good night and have a sweet dream” I could see my face become red like tomato soup that my mom made for breakfast this morning. All I could say was “Thank you” like I didn’t have any words to express what I wanted to say and he hung up the phone.

-Anggasta POV-

It was a long conversation but in the end I couldn’t help myself to ask her out, it came out of nowhere “Let’s go to someplace on Saturday night” that was the most stupid thing I have ever done in my entire life.


Chapter Five: Iridescent


As I wait for her answer, I am…


Those kinds of thoughts always mesmerized my mind. I have no idea what if she rejected me or ignored me.


00.30 p.m

I was in the cafeteria picking up my food, while I was searching for a seat, I looked at her with her peers. She also gave me a gaze before.



“Oh Hi, Anggasta!”


Couldn’t breathe for a while, she’s a goddess. Besides that, I was thinking about dating. Why doesn’t she give me an answer.




No. no.

I don’t want to hope like that.


8.00 p.m.


I checked my phone and there is no answer. So, I decided to play a mobile legend before. 30 minutes after,

‘Beep Beeeeeep Beep”

My phone has been ringing.

I look at my phone and the message above.



She answering

“Yes, why not”

I threw away my phone without realizing it, but nevermind. Finally, Yeay!! “Holy pudding” I text Bayu right away to go to my house.


All of a sudden, I get a text from my doctor that I need to go to hospital, I don’t know what happened but it sounds serious.


When I arrive at the hospital the doctor seems worried and I know what it means, it means I don’t have much time left. The doctor explains everything and all I can do is listen, I just hope that I will be able to hold on until the dating day. After that I went home and Bayu was already in my house, I told him about Eileen’s answer. Bayu said “Dude, you have to look good and well-dressed” don’t worry we still have 5 days to prepare it.

-Eileen POV-

I was being brave at that time to answer his request, I was just glad that I said “yes” 5 days left before the dating day and like usual I am feeling so nervous. I don’t know what to wear, then I call Sasa and Fafa to accompany me to shop.


Chapter Six: Serendipity


As the door opened, I could see him sitting at a very beautiful table with candles and white roses, what a romantic place.


I could see her from the door, she’s so beautiful in white. I feel enchanted when I look at her.


We talked a lot back then, talking about our past, family and future plans, but somehow, I feel he hid something really big, maybe it’s just the bad feeling in my stomach.



I could feel it and I am getting weak. I have nosebleed all of sudden but I try to hide it from her and wipe it with the napkin but sadly I could not hold it anymore. I fainted in front of her during our dating time.



I was so terrified when I saw him faint. All I could do was scream for help, when we arrived at the hospital the doctor told me to wait outside. I am waiting, waiting just waiting outside the line and the doctor came out of the room and he said “He is waiting for you”~~


What is this? Why couldn’t my heart be silent? I am so worried. I entered the room slowly and I could see him lying on bed, he looked at me deeply while I was curious about him. He said “I am sorry” and heard that I just wanted to be angry at him but I couldn’t “why are you apologizing? I am so worried” the doctor said “you have to do surgery right now” and he said “I know” then he opened his phone and did a snapgram video with me with the caption “See you in the next few hours” what is this? I don’t why but I have bad feelings about this.



I lied to her again, I wonder if she forgives me? Nevermind, at least I could see her for the last time, your smile makes me stronger Eileen, I am sorry I lied to you over and over again. I hope we could meet in another life and fall in love again, I said it inside of my heart.



Then the surgery began, I was waiting like an idiot walking around like I was jogging or something, one hour passed my breath starting to be heavy, two hours passed I could feel my tears falling down. I heard the door open and the doctor came out of the room confused, maybe he doesn’t know how to tell me properly about what is going on. “I am sorry, he is in a better place now” Huuuh….. What……. No…….. No, I was screaming as hard as I could and crying back then. Leukemia is a very bad one and he never told me about that.


This is my first time attending a funeral, there’s a lot of people here. Everyone said their prayers to Anggasta, he always said that he doesn’t have many friends. I guess he lied again. I brought the white roses like he gave me on our first date.


At night, I am thinking about him while crying like an idiot, then I fall asleep until morning. I could hear the sound of the alarm. It means I have to go to campus, but I feel like I don’t want to but Sasa, and Fafa came to pick me up. “Come on Eileen, let’s have fun today in campus” said Sasa, “I made you breakfast, let’s eat it together” said Fafa. With a smile I follow their instructions.


I felt everything when I arrived at campus, we used to meet in the cafeteria but now he isn’t here anymore, I used to laugh with him in there and there but I couldn’t even laugh anymore. I am about to cry but I try to not. Then Bayu approached me all of sudden and gave me a letter with a weird expression toward him and how silly I am, thinking it was a love letter.

At night I was working on my poetry assignment but I didn’t have any idea what to write. I went to the backyard in the middle of the night and lay down above the grass. There are a lot of stars and I start to open my note and a letter falls over, it was Bayu’s that he gave me this morning. Then I open the letter hoping that it isn’t a love letter.


Dear Eileen,


You are a good reader and I am a good listener, we would make a great team together. It was the happiest time of my life Eileen, but the universe doesn’t allow us to be together for now and that’s okay, I am sorry I lied to you for many times, I just want to enjoy our time with lots of laughs and happiness. I am glad that I met you. I hope we could meet in another life and tell stories again. Eileen, I love you, so much. I am sorry for being childish all this time and I am sorry for everything. Thank you, you changed my world.





“I Love you too, Anggasta”



Several Ways to Heal from Procrastination

Written by Fatwa Hapsari Alwihani

Have you ever felt so tired in a day? After you checked you found yourself doing nothing but scrolling your smartphone or playing an online game on your personal computer. For me it was another level of pathetic ☹.

It is different when you are sad because of the technical failure, at least you have tried to accomplish it. When you do not finish your work because of laziness, it means that you have not tried to start it. You might think that there will always tomorrow. But what if tomorrow brings you another thing to do?

The act of postponing something is called Procrastination. Some of us probably have experienced it many times especially when there were a bunch of tasks in a week and we have to submit it in another week. We either disorganized where to start or waited the mood to do it. As the time passed by, we still do not find any motivation and the due date comes. All you have is a panic attack, being rushed on doing the task, getting nervous every second, and having less satisfying results. Of course, we do regret it yet repeat it again and again since we think “I am the last-minute kind of person who gets the idea in particular time”. At that moment we do not realize that actually when we start doing that task, we do not have a clear idea. It is because we are demanded by time and we do not want to miss the submission date. What I am trying to say is there is no mood or idea until you give a shot.

Since procrastination is one of our problems. Let me share some ways of healing from that habit based on my experience and articles that I have read.

1. Temptation bundling

Temptation bundling is the act of mixing between what we like and what we have to do. For example, you are about to take the TOEFL/IELTS test but you think that your listening skill is far from good. In addition, you are addicted to watching movies or series on Netflix. Thus, the thing you can do is watch the movie/series with English subtitles regularly.

2. Make the Consequences

Making consequences do not mean you are being so hard on yourself. It means that you are practicing self-discipline. Set your daily goals, put your priority on the first list, concentrate your mind, and do not forget to write possibilities that might happen if you skip it. When you find difficulties in being disciplined, you can involve somebody else who has the same goal. Ask them to do assignments together, make appointments with them.

3. Take a rest from your gadget

Nowadays gadgets are becoming our part of daily life. It seems more impossible to separate people from gadgets since we are now in a pandemic era. Every aspect of people’s lives depends on gadgets and internet existence. Gadgets can bring us both positive and negative impacts on our life. It makes everything easier; we can get in touch and we can also see more updates of others’ lives.  However, they pull us into an addiction. The more we follow their daily activity, the more curious we get. Curiosity brings us unproductivity. We are willing to spend hours in a day staring at gadgets to scroll some social media platforms such as Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and many more.

In my case, sometimes I ignored my task to do on that day and I assumed that I still had enough time to finish it. In fact, I postponed all assignments until the due date. Turns out I realize that I cannot let that habit stay longer in my life. I try to cut them one by one through deactivating some social media accounts; I decided to choose Instagram first since it was the most addictive account that I have. I can be impulsively open Instagram while I am doing something important. It helps me. I can be more focused on what I do. It might be different in others’ case; they could be addicted to online games, video bloggers, dancing video challenges, and so on. Hence, escaping or resting from gadgets is something we need to consider when we are stuck in a procrastination habit.

4. Make a task more achievable

As I mentioned before, we need to set our daily goals. It means we should have at least a goal each day. The goal does not have a complex goal. We can start it by making a simple goal that possibly could be accomplished on that day. The keys are consistency and commitment to do it sustain.

Last year, when I was doing my thesis, I found myself being demotivated and delayed to start every chapter on it. Until my friend came to me and told me that I do not have to write all chapters at once; she said at least one day I write one or two paragraphs. I followed her advice and unpredictably I started to write and revised my thesis with wholeheartedly lighter than before. Since then, I believe that we should make daily goals more achievable.

Those tips above worked on me. We know procrastination leads us into nothing but regret. Nevertheless, leaving procrastination is not such an easy thing to do. Before we choose which one of those tips is suitable for us, we should have strong determination to get rid of the habit from our life. Thus, whenever we start being unguarded, we will remember that determination. Good luck buddies! Never quit! All of us are healing.