Online and Offline Assessment Process: The Advantages and Disadvantages

The spread of COVID-19 has several impacts on many countries. One of the affected countries is Indonesia. On the 2nd March of 2020, the president announced the first case of COVID-19 in Indonesia. The first case was found in Depok, West Java. Not long after the first case was found, the number of the other cases started to increase. There are numerous cases of COVID-19 throughout the year 2020. The increase of COVID-19 affected many sectors, including the sector of education. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has issued Circular Letter No. 4 of 2020 regarding the Implementation of Internal Education Policy COVID-19 Emergency. The policy informs that all stages of education teaching and learning activities are conducted in an online distance learning system. According to Kustandi and Darmawan (as cited in Eddy, 2021), distance-learning or in Indonesian we know it as pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) is a learning that is not done face-to-face (like conventional learning), but done remotely without a physical classroom and can be done anywhere and anytime. In the online learning system, students and teachers are implementing the learning activities using online platforms such as Google Classroom, Google Meet, Zoom, etc. The changing of the learning system affects the whole process in learning activities such as delivering the materials, assignments, and assessments. This essay will focus on discussing assessment in online and offline learning systems during the pandemic.


For the safety of the teacher and student during the pandemic, an online learning system is the only option to conduct the learning process. By following this option, they need an online platform for the whole process. The learning activities will run if the platform of the learning system can be accessed both by students and teachers. There are so many e-platforms to support the assessment process. For instance, Quizziz, Google Form, Google Classroom, and the website of the institute. Besides, communication apps such as WhatsApp and Line are also needed to maintain coordination between teachers and students during the assessment process. The use of each app will be different regarding the features that are available in every app. For example, in the Quizziz, students work on quiz questions that are made by the teacher by entering a 6-digit code that is obtained from the Quizizz app. Quiz questions can be done at the same time (real time) and students can see the results and rankings directly. Meanwhile, in using the Google Form the teacher can provide variations of assessment. There are many types of questions that can be selected by the teacher in accordance with the needs of each subject. For example, the teacher can select a short answer, paragraph, and multiple choice.


When the teacher and the student hold the assessment or evaluation, there is no strict supervision from the teacher directly. It happens because the teacher and the students are not in the same place. So, there is a possibility for the students to cheat on their assessments. For example, the student could open their book or search for the answers through the other device. As the result, some schools are making a rule to use two or three devices. One of the devices is used to do the assessment while the other device is used to monitor the student’s activities during the assessment through Zoom meeting or Google Meet with the camera on. Other than cheating, there is a possibility for the student to get the question of the assessment by screenshot or capturing it and they can share it with another student who has not done the assessment.


After explaining the online assessment process, the author would be analyzing the face-to-face assessment process. There are several distinctions among both of them. In the previous paragraph, we know that we need an e-platform to conduct the assessment. On the other hand, in the offline learning system, we usually held the assessment in the real classroom. There are two options for the teacher to choose for the assessment. The first one is using paper as the question and answer sheets, and the second one is the student using the school’s computer to do the assessment. Those two options give flexibility for the teachers to determine which one is appropriate for their subjects. Unfortunately, these options are not safe for the pandemic situation because they can increase the cases of COVID-19. But if some schools are requiring offline assessment, the teachers need to prepare the classrooms by following the health protocol from the Ministry of Health. They also need to arrange different schedules that are divided into several shifts because there are limitations of the number of students who attend the assessment.


Regarding the supervision of offline assessment, it can be stricter because of many elements on it. First, the teacher could keep an eye on the students directly in the classroom. Direct supervision can diminish the possibility of the student cheating with other students. Apart from having the teacher as the supervisor, some schools also provide Closed Circuit Television or CCTV in each class to monitor the assessment process. By using the CCTV, the teacher could replay the video recording during the assessment to make sure that there is no cheating behavior by students in the class. For the computer-based test of offline assessment, the students cannot capture or screenshot the question because they use the school device. So, the teacher can detect if the student is saving the picture from the computer. While in the paper-based test, it cannot be captured because the media is just a paper and usually the school has a rule for the student to return the question paper to the teacher after they finish the assessment.


Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that both in online and offline learning systems, especially in the assessment process, there are advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of the online learning system come from the difficulties in adapting to the online platform for the teacher and student. By using online platforms, there are possibilities for the students to cheat during the assessment process. The teacher must be stricter in monitoring the students during the assessment by providing Zoom meetings for the student and asking them to turn on the camera. Although there are disadvantages in the online learning system, the student and the teacher can still take advantages of online platforms to hold the assessment process. The online learning system can make sure that there are no face-to-face meetings that increase the spread of COVID-19. So, both the teacher and the student can run the learning process without the fear of COVID-19.


Meanwhile, in the offline assessment process, the teacher and student need to be aware of the spread of COVID-19 because of the face-to-face situation. Due to that situation, the school has no other choice but to implement the health protocol and provide different schedules for the student. However, with the strict rules of the offline assessment, the school can reduce the spread of COVID-19 and they can still monitor the student directly from the class. But it would be better if the option of offline assessment is avoided if the cases of COVID-19 increased.


Despite the fact that there are two options of assessment processes and each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, both teacher and student need to decide the best option for their situation. They can choose the online assessment if the situation is not possible to conduct the face-to-face class. While they can choose offline assessment as long as the situation is under control and safe for everyone. Certainly, all the parties are expecting the situation to get better. So that later on, they can choose online or offline assessment without worrying about the COVID-19 and the pandemic situation.



Eddy, Ari Usman, & Haida Dafitri. (2021). Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Quizizz Sebagai Alternatif Media Evaluasi Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh. Jurnal TUNAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, vol. 2. no. 2. p. 56.

Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan Kementerian Pendidikan dan. (2020). Panduan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh.


Biodata of the author:

My name is Balqist Nathania Daniswari. I am from SMA 7 Yogyakarta and now I am in 11th grade. I am interested in joining this competition because I want to improve my writing skill and broaden my knowledge about current issues.

Comparing Online Learning and Offline Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

 Learning has become one of our responsibilities since the first time we came into this world. In this era, learning becomes one of the things that is so important to do. Because as we have known, there are a lot of tricky things in this world which always give negative impacts on others. Since it is now the time of the pandemic, some schools from over the world must learn from home or have online classes. This must be a new thing for some people who always have face-to-face classes before COVID-19 exists.


              Both online learning and offline learning have positive and negative impacts. Lessons in face-to-face classes are more understandable than in online classes. Besides that, offline classes ease us to interact with the teacher properly and directly. However, offline learning is more tiring than online learning because it needs a lot of energy to do extra things that we don’t need to do in online classes, such as going to school by transportation. While in online classes, we save a lot of time because we don’t need to spend our time on things that we need to do in offline classes, such as going to school, heading out to the canteen, and going home.


              Based on a survey done by Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI), 78% of students want to go back to face-to-face classes. The reason why the students prefer face-to-face classes is 57% because of the difficulties to understand some subjects, and some activities that cannot be done in an online class. This must be one of the most stressful things during online classes. Because once we get stuck in a matter, then it will make us stressed and bring us down. This reason will surely affect our overall life because we will not be able to concentrate on other activities. Besides that, we feel the simple tasks become more difficult than they used to be.


              When I was in an online class, I thought the offline class would be more effective than the online one. But when I had my first day being in offline class, I found it so hard because my school is a boarding school and I need to meet a lot of people every single day which is not easy. This is such an issue for those who have social anxiety or panic attacks while being surrounded by many people, including me. I was not able to focus on my class that I ended up missing the explanation that my teacher gave. I had no idea how to adapt to this situation and I almost gave up on this school. As the time went on, I realized that the hardship I faced was just a part of my journey and it was not as hard as my expectation, and from this experience, I learn that society is not as good as I thought, there are so many characters that I need to face, new friends, and new things. Since then, I have always tried to accept that I will always not be in a comfortable zone. Sooner or later, I will have to face this kind of situation and accept society for the way it is and learn from it.


              Since it is pandemic, it is not really safe to have offline classes even when we do a shifting system because we cannot guarantee that they don’t do anything that can get them infected with COVID-19. As we can see there are still many people who still care less about keeping their distance from each other, not washing their hands, or not even wearing their mask. This surely will be dangerous because they might get infected with COVID-19 without realizing it, and if that happens, then that person automatically will impact other people too, either in her home or in her school. In terms of safety, online learning is safer than offline learning. However, in terms of effectiveness, offline learning is more effective than online learning and I think offline learning gives more benefits than online learning does.

Why do I say so?


              Even though it is hard to have face-to-face classes, we will eventually get used to it. At the first time, most of us might think that having face-to-face class is so hard which makes us doubt to not be able to face this situation, but I believe that this is the process of adapting and dealing with the things we once thought we would never be able to do. Dealing with society is not that easy but we cannot change all the things that we cannot adapt to, all we can do is to accept the situation and do our best. We can never escape from the difficult situation, we can only learn to live through it.


              In offline classes, we will have so many activities in the class which make us more confident of facing some things. Such as speaking in front of many people, interacting with people directly, and making a friend with them. However, the most prominent weakness that has been shown is in managing time. We must feel so tired after going home from school which causes us to put off doing the things that we could actually finish them that moment.


              Even though offline classes give more benefits than online classes do, it doesn’t mean that online classes don’t give any benefits. When the teacher is explaining something in an online class, we can record it as a preparation for the exams that will be conducted in the last term. Compared to offline classes, online classes give us more free time than offline classes do. Besides that, we can manage time well, and get enough rest. However, if it is online, willy-nilly we need technology both for studying and communicating with each other. This technology such as a phone, a laptop is not always working well. In another word, sometimes the connection is so bad that we end up missing the lesson. Besides, we sometimes cannot hear what the teacher is saying because of the bad connection. Also, recording assignment is so stressful, especially when the storage of our phone accidentally runs out when we almost finish it.


              For the above reasons, I fervently believe that even though we get more free time in online learning, offline learning is more effective than online learning. Offline learning teaches us how to be brave and face society. In offline classes, we need to be an attentive person because we cannot really search anything up on the internet. It also teaches us how to be disciplined by going to school in time, having lunch in time, praying in time, etc. Even though it is hard at first, I believe that we will be able to face and go through this situation. This is how we learn to see the real side of life, never be as good as we think. That is how life looks like, we need to go through many hard times and face many things to become a successful person. This journey may have lots of twists and turns, but all we have to do is to get along with the ride and learn how it works for us. We will figure things out along the way.




Name: Amalia Aswandi

Age: 16 years old

Birthdate: November 30th, 2005

Address: Prumnas wekke’e blok C angsa 1 street number 6


The Best Time Management Application or Planner

Author: Luthfia Mariatul Fitriani


One of the definitions of time management is achieving one’s key goals in life by putting aside pointless activities that take up a lot of time. In other words, time management can be interpreted by planning, organizing, tightening and managing time.


Time is one of the work resources that must be managed properly and effectively. The purpose of this time management is the productivity ratio of output and input.


You can effortlessly live life if you have a good time management system in place. Everything is properly organized, therefore the only thing left to do is optimize the implementation.


Keep in mind that everyone has a variety of ways to help his life be more organized. Some are digital-based and some are non-digital. It all comes back to you, whether you can use digital or not.


Below are examples of applications that can help manage your life:


1. Notion

Notion is a workspace or note-taking application, wikis, tasks and databases. Notion has an attractive and easy-to-use interface. There are many features in this application, such as tables, timeline, kanban board, calendar and to-do list.


2. Trello

This app is perfect for managing team projects. Trello is famous for its attractive and easy-to-see kanban boards. Project assignments, deadlines, progress status can be added with your friends, so everyone knows the program.


3. Miro

Although Miro has fewer features than other applications, it has a board-like interface, so you can add sticky notes. In addition, in this application you can add links, view documents and add photos.


4. ClickUp

This application is suitable for your project management. ClickUp has a status feature that allows you to place a completed task, time spent, and compare with other tasks. ClickUp has priority, goals, and comments features that you and your team can use.


5. Asana

Asana is an application for cool work management. This application is suitable for managing task lists and project lists. In addition, Asana has a collaboration feature with your friends. Asana also uses an attractive appearance but is simple and easy to set up.


6.Google Calendar.

Surely this application is already booming in your ears. Although this application is simple, it is very suitable for task management. This application features tasks, events, and reminders.


In addition, this application is also connected to Google Meet, so you can schedule meetings through this Google Calendar. You can use the reminder feature because a notification will appear on your device.


7. LucidChart

This application is different from other applications, LucidChart is a diagramming platform that helps you create a systematic flow of thought. This application does not have a task management feature like other applications. Commonly used diagrams are flowcharts or org charts. In addition, this application has the feature of collaboration with your friends.


Those are 7 applications that can help in your life management. It is hoped that with this application, your life is more organized and you are more excited. Good luck!

Tips for Doing Tasks in the Style of a High Achievers


Author: Luthfia Mariatul Fitriani


The High Achievers Work System refers to accomplishing a task by defining goals and working hard to reach those goals. This work system is usually carried out by ambitious people. If you want a work system like this, then you must be disciplined and have a strong personal drive to achieve certain goals.


People who work with this system are usually easy to take on responsibilities and naturally show leadership qualities. Often also helps his friend’s work in the team.


Please note, internal locus of control is one of the principles of people who work with this system. In other words, this person has the belief that only he or she is fully responsible for what happens within themselves.


Another unavoidable fact is that these High Achievers are perfectionists in all they do. They will find it difficult to ask for help from others,since they believe no one can perform as effectively as he can. People with this system are people who excel in terms of ability and responsibility.


So, you have to be careful in managing these High Achievers. The following are tips for doing assignments in the style of High Achievers:


1. Leave the word “bear”

You may have noticed that, when you are about to do something, you still have a procrastinating mentality. “Ah later, ah bear” words like these that usually haunt you. In a matter of 1 to 5 try you have to immediately do your task. This will minimize procrastination.


2. Delegating what to do alone, which to ask for help

Not all tasks have to be done alone, sometimes it would be better if done with the help of others. This can be applied through daily notes/to-do-lists, in order to control daily activities.


3. Stick to the simple system

With so many productivity systems to choose from, just choose simple management to keep track of your tasks. You can use Notion, Google Calendar and so on.


4. Learn to do everything quickly

Some people do have problems if they do something that requires quick control. You might begin by assigning a deadline to each of your tasks in order to be trained. Although it will be forced upon you, you will eventually become accustomed to time management.


5.Creative VS Administrative Work Balance

Please note, there are 2 kinds of division of tasks: creatives (which requires exploration of ideas) and critical thinking as well as administrative tasks (which is enjoyable and not challenging). In reality, these two things must be in balance. In doing creative work, you choose where the brain time works most effectively. While administrative work is completed when the brain works is relaxed.


You can apply these tips from now on. Hopefully useful and can make yourself a better worker.

6 Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills


Author: Luthfia Mariatul Fitriani


You’re probably familiar with the term “Public Speaking”. This is a skill that can be mastered with frequent practice. Public Speaking is a form of verbal communication that is delivered in front of the general public in detail and coherently. In public speaking, you are required to practice effectively so that the delivery is not out of the ordinary and in line with the purpose of the conversation.


Not everyone is comfortable speaking in public. Some people may experience stage fright and faint when they have to speak in public. This can be overcome with consistent practice. Once you get into the habit of practicing, you’re more likely to be able to control yourself when you speak in public.


The following are tips that you should know in public speaking:


1. Write down important points and convey spontaneously

You can write down small notes that only contain important material points. In making these notes, do not let you write a long narrative. It can be explained naturally and spontaneously, because by dealing with the conversation, it is attempted not to look stiff. It is enough to write a few important points. This will help you remember what you are going to say so you don’t get blank in the middle of the conversation. Keep in mind the order of the points that you will convey.


2. Deepen Interaction with Your Audience

You should try to keep your communication alive even when you are speaking in front of many people. Because this also affects your confidence and spirit. You can include a few brief questions for the audience, to encourage them to interact with you. You can also include jokes that are still ethical so that they do not become too stiff. The audience will be interested in the topic of conversation, if you can attentively interact with them.


3. Speak clearly and with a different intonation

Before you speak in public, it would be better if you practice first. You can ask friends for help to assess speech style, appearance, intonation, and so on. The intonation when speaking is varied so as not to bore the audience. Each word, you must pronounce it loud and clear so that the material can be conveyed well.


4. Utilize body language and eye contact

You can use your body language, especially your hands, to emphasize the material presented. But don’t let your hands move too much, because it can distract the audience. What needs to be noted is, you must pay close attention to the eye contact of the audience. This is so you can control the focus of the audience. If you lose control, then your conversation will go to waste, not being noticed by the audience.


5. Avoid the words “emmmm” or “ehhhh”

If you can adjust the pause, for example slow or fast. Then you can set the control of the conversation to be delivered. Because most of them are confused about what to say, so they say “emmm/ehh” that shouldn’t be said. If these words come out, then your level of professionalism will decrease. For example, you need time to think, try not to say the words above.


6. Get rid of pressure and self-confidence

It is okay to feel nervous and anxious. Surely almost everyone has felt this way, when speaking in public, but don’t let your nerves and worry get the better of you. In public, you have to show good self-confidence. You don’t have to be concerned about making mistakes, because humans are nature to make mistakes. Therefore, calm yourself and convey as comfortably as possible.


Those are 6 tips in public speaking that you should know. Practicing earnestly will help your public speaking optimally. Hope it is useful.

4 Recommended Books on Self-Development


Author: Luthfia Mariatul Fitriani


In life, there are many activities with different goals. There are those who chase their dreams, pursue jobs, fulfill their calling in life by serving others and so on. It’s a shame, if you pass the day just passing the time, without any particular good intentions.


In fact, humans compile with the environment for 2 reasons: the need to control the environment and maintain its survival. Therefore, it must be balanced with optimal self-development.


Especially if you are a student, you must immediately develop yourself well. For example, by participating in activities that are linear with ideals, participating in programs that are beneficial to oneself and others, and actively participating in any activities and contributions for the realization of a better self. If students’ self-development has found a common thread, then students will easily pursue future careers.


On the other hand, there is a need to control the environment, so humans will be encouraged to continue to learn and develop themselves. Not a few people who feel anxious when it is difficult to manage in self-development. Therefore, let’s try to read some of the recommended books below to learn about self-development:


1.  The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This book gives you vitamins on building good habits. Therefore, indirectly, your bad habits will be eroded, as you read and understand this book. As the saying goes, “good things don’t come by themselves.” In this book, it is stated that there are 7 human habits that can be practiced so that life can be more productive and effective. When viewed broadly, it is divided into 3 groups, namely habits related to oneself, habits related to other people, and habits to develop self-skills.


2. Grit

This book explains that the key to success is not talent, but grit: a combination of passion and persistence. Keep in mind that grit is a combination of desire and fighting power to achieve long-term goals. So you must have full effort and passion in this life. Usually people who have full grit will be able to maintain enthusiasm and motivation in the long term, even though failures and difficulties continue to hit.


3. The Power of Habit

This book contains self-control that can change your mindset in responding to a situation. Because your habits will affect yourself and others. This book discusses thoroughly about the enormity of habit. In addition, this book discusses the reasons for forming habits, the elements of habits, and how to change habits within yourself. This book teaches you to change old habits into new habits for your success in life.


4. Don’t Turn a Small Problem into a Big Problem.

You will be presented with a way not to worry about small things and how to control yourself when faced with problems. In this book, learn a new perspective or perspective on a problem in life so it doesn’t interfere with your life. This book is perfect for people who easily panic when facing problems as well as business people who want to improve their self-control skills. There are many interesting things you will learn in this book, for example: the reasons why you have to come to terms with imperfection, how to control yourself and to be more patient.


That’s the recommendation of a book about self-development. Please read immediately and hopefully it will be useful. Because the process of improving yourself is certainly not easy. Besides having a good partner, you need to replenish your knowledge by reading books.

How to Deal with Burnout

Sumber Gambar:


Written by Putri Harum and Luthfia Mariatul


For many years, burnout has been found in some people especially for various people-oriented professions such as education and human service. Burnout is a psychological syndrome emerging as a prolonged response to chronic interpersonal stressors on the job. The three key dimensions of this response are an overwhelming exhaustion, feelings of cynicism and detachment from the job, and a sense of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment.


Everyone must have felt exhausted and stressed at work. However, a person with burnout is more likely to feel or display the following characteristics: getting exhausted easily, hating the paperwork, declining job performance, getting irritated easily, withdrawing from social environment.


Burnout conditions are more common in people who often force themselves to continue working, do not get job appreciation from their superiors, have a heavy workload, or have a monotonous job. Burnout is triggered by severe stress at work that is not resolved so that sufferers lose their enthusiasm for work, even lose interest in interacting with their social environment.


Therefore, in this article I will share several ways on how to deal with burnout.


  1.   Find the Cause of the Burnout

The first way to overcome burnout is to find out the cause. It’s hard to make changes when you don’t know exactly what’s causing it, so exploring the contributing factors or sources of stress in your life can help. Stress may be manageable on its own, but it can easily be overwhelming if you don’t take steps to get support.

  1.   Take Time Off 

Watch out for your mental health, you have to have this knowing that you need a vacation to breathe and relax. As a human being we have a proportion for work and rest. So, don’t take all your time for work. When your energy is highest – often in the morning – you should focus on work and maximize your productivity then step away for a rest.

  1. 3.   Put Away Your Digital Devices 

Digital helps you but it can be your enemy. As an illustration, when you are exhausted and going to bed, you can’t sleep because of scrolling through social media or playing games. Therefore, put away your digital devices when you are tired. Place your smartphone in a basket or drawer when you arrive home so you’re not tempted to pick it up and check your email; or you might devise a rule for yourself about turning it off past 8pm. “Put away your phone,” says Halvorson. “Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow.”

  1.   Physical Activity

The next way to deal with burnout is to do activities that are relaxing and deal with stress, such as yoga, meditation, or tai chi. Doing physical activity can take your mind off work. It is no less important to meet the quality of sleep every day well.

As a student, you must be able to control your mind and do everything according to your priorities. So that the mind remains in control, work optimally and avoid stress.

Five Reasons Why Watching Movies Is Beneficial to Our Personal Development


Written by Aureliana Ditasari, Nida Fauziah, and Rifka Indah Nizar


On this day, who doesn’t like watching movies? People nowadays are likely to be obsessed with movies. We may find out a lot through watching movies without even realizing it, as long as we manage them effectively. Many people use movies to get rid of negative thoughts or recharge their batteries. Watching movies is fun, especially if we watch movies either with our friends or with family, but did you know that the simple activity that we take for granted could significantly affect our development? Movies are a way to have fun and provide many positive benefits. Here are the top five benefits of watching movies!


  1. Foreign-language movies can help us learn a new language

Do any of you enjoy watching movies in languages other than your native? Movies from Korea, Japan, China, Turkey, Arabic, or many more. Are you aware that watching movies with different language backgrounds will gradually give you some of the vocabularies that frequently appear in the movie’s dialogue? Even if we still watch those movies with subtitles, this is one of the advantages of watching movies in languages besides our native language. Sometimes, the brain may unconsciously repeat familiar vocabulary to recognize its meaning or even pronounce it correctly.


For example, we watch movies from western countries,. Fluency in English is crucial for some people, particularly those who did not grow up in a country where English was their first language. Can we merely watch movies to enhance our language skills? How do we do that?


We are not only practicing our listening and speaking skills when watching movies. The brain will effortlessly replicate the dialogue in English movies since almost everyone is familiar with English, an international language. As a result, it is not surprising that we can unconsciously string together a sentence in English during dialogue or find out the meaning of a word just by thinking about it, like in movies we have watched.


In some cases, people may even master a new language only by watching movies. They will be able to watch the movie without having to read subtitles. Maybe not everyone will understand the complicated grammar or the uncommon vocabulary of the country. However, understanding the context of their language, in general, will increase our knowledge beyond our first and second languages. Using subtitles will allow you to understand the content. Concentrate on the key words and take notes as needed to help you remember. As a result, you will retain the information for a long time.


  1. Movies benefit us in learning about new cultures

History buffs have plenty of options when it comes to movies. It can show us new things about the culture that we probably did not know. We gain many things, such as a country’s history or a new culture, and then we realize some influential figures in the world. Educating ourselves on a country’s history may instill a sense of nationalism in us. It is the same when we watch historical movies from other countries. We may learn a lot from an excellent historical movie by understanding essential issues and events. Not only that, but historical movies are also valuable in the classroom, as teachers may show them to their pupils so that they can better acquire or understand history courses.


  1. Movies could provide both enjoyment and stress reduction

Many people find watching movies both entertaining and a way to reduce stress. Watching movies can make us forget our problems is an alternative to anxiety loss. As previously said, watching movies can have a positive emotional impact. Movies can calm us down and soothe us. We reduce the stress within us by lowering worry, and even watching a movie may turn all negative thoughts into the better, as long as it is enjoyable.


  1. Movies help us to get motivation

Have you ever read a movie quote over and over again? It indicates the movie has encouraged you to feel more positive and inspired. We may learn a lot by watching movies. Movies may motivate us to make positive changes in our lives, and movies’ strong characters can inspire us to do the same. The benefit of watching movies can increase self-motivation to be solid and inflexible in dealing with all the problems. Even though it is just a movie, we can acquire this psychological influence in our life.


  1. Watching movies can help us gain more insight and understanding

Beyond entertainment, movies can likely provide insight into people, with different genres presenting them with many new insights. Watching movies from other countries tells us much about each country’s culture and national values. Watching movies can also give a different view to each viewer from the beginning of the story itself. Each movie’s plot or characters will provide us with a different perspective than anyone else. It gives us insight into things we did not know before without recognizing them.


There are so many benefits that we can get from watching movies. We need to turn our simple hobby into something productive so that our efforts will not be vain. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s find more good movies and reach your goals!

Things to Pay Attention to in Cross-Cultural Communication

Communication is an intermediary to build good relationships with other people. However, to achieve the communication goals, we should pay attention to dos and don’ts in communication with people from different socio-cultural backgrounds. It is because something that has a good connotation in our culture does not necessarily have a good meaning in other cultures. Therefore, the following are the things to pay attention to in communicating across cultures.



In Indonesia, we usually begin a conversation by asking about personal things such as work, school, family, etc. It is acceptable in some other Asian cultures, but we shouldn’t do it when communicating with people with straightforward cultures like France, the United States, etc.


Another example is that we often post photos of friends to congratulate on social media, and the person mentioned feels the need to repost it. However, taking photos and posting them without the person’s permission can be considered an invasion of privacy for people from more individualistic cultures. In cross-cultural interactions, we should strive to understand the privacy limits of people from other cultures.


Cultural and Political Awareness

“Where are you from?” is a question we often ask to open a conversation. However, when we visit a country with a large number of immigrants, such as the United States, this question can offend Asian descent there. Many of them have lived for a long time and become citizens of the United States. Hence, asking this question seems to doubt their nationality and contains stereotypes.


In addition, talking about political issues from one’s country can offend a person, for example: asking a friend from Taiwan whether Taiwan should be independent or part of the People’s Republic of China; or talking about the relationship between North and South Korea with a South Korean citizen who comes to our event.


Personal Space

Personal space limits how close someone can be around us without causing discomfort. Personal space is usually influenced by culture, the closeness of relationships, age, gender, to religion. For example, Indonesians generally have less personal space due to crowded public areas, such as in public transportation. It doesn’t matter when we enter other people’s personal space; we just apologize, then it will be clear. In contrast to Australians who are used to keeping one arm’s distance when communicating with other people, it depends on how close and good the relationship is.


Another example, British people often give a lot of personal space; they even feel uncomfortable if someone sits or stands close to them when there is other space available. Similarly, Spaniards maintain a distance of about half a meter from each other, but most men are less protective of their personal space, and women are more comfortable with closeness.


Physical Touch

Not all countries have the same culture of physical contact. Some areas consider it something that should be avoided, especially for new people. It is because physical touch is a sign of closeness or depth of affection between one another.


For example, in France, physical touch during communication is legal and is considered affection. However, physical touch is greatly minimized in Japan, unless it is unavoidable in public places.


Gesture and Body Language

We must pay attention to gestures and body language when communicating with others. It could be that the body language that we think is good may not necessarily have the same meaning elsewhere. For example, making a sign by sticking the thumb and forefinger, we usually know as a sign of okay, good, and right. However, this sign can be misunderstood when we use it in Germany. Whereas in Russia and Brazil, this symbol has a bad connotation and is very disrespectful.


Generalizations as in the examples above are used as insights only, do not use them to create stereotypes. The best use of generalizations is to add them into knowledge to understand better and appreciate other fascinating and multifaceted human beings.


Does Your English Sound Boring? Use These Expressions

A: Good morning! How are you?

B: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

A: I’m fine too, thank you.


The short conversation above is often taught by our English teachers at Indonesian school. However, the communication in actual situations often requires us to use more than those expressions.



Greeting expressions other than ‘how are you?’ in everyday communication.

  • How is it going?
  • How are you doing?
  • What’s up? / What’s new? (usually responded with nothing/not much)
  • How’s life?
  • How was your day? (particularly used at the end of the day)



The most basic response is ‘good’ or ‘not bad’. If you need to start a small talk, you can answer the greeting by talking about something and then say, ‘how about you?.’



To start a conversation with a friend or relative you haven’t seen in a long time, use the following expressions.

  • It’s good/nice to see you.
  • It’s been a while/long time no see. How have you been?



There are phrases other than ‘goodbye’ and ‘see you later’ that you can use more casually to end the conversation.

  • (I’ll) catch you later.
  • (I’ll) talk to you later.
  • Gotta go now/gotta get going.
  • Have a good/nice day.
  • Have a good one.
  • Take care.
  • Good night. (specifically used for the night)



Some alternatives to express ‘good luck’ are as follows.

  • Good luck with …! (we can respond with ‘thank you,’ or ‘I’m gonna need it.’)
  • Best of luck!
  • Break a leg!
  • You can do it/you’ll do great!
  • Go get ‘em!
  • Fingers crossed!


We often use ‘thank you’ as magic words to express our gratitude. Besides, to make the phrase more meaningful, add the following alternatives.

  • Couldn’t have done it without you.
  • It means a lot (to me).
  • You made this easy.
  • I can’t thank you enough.
  • That’s very kind of you.



Responding to thank you with ‘you’re welcome’ feels too basic and boring. Use the following expressions as variations.

  • My pleasure.
  • No problem.
  • No worries.
  • Don’t mention it.
  • Sure/sure thing.


So these are alternative expressions commonly used in everyday life that will make you sound more natural.