This virtual exhibition presents artistic and literary works created by PBI UII students who took Critical Reading and Literacy course. In this project, we highlight inequity and power imbalance that are often overlooked in our society. Then, through poems, songs, short stories, comics, and short videos, we present alternative perspectives and viewpoints to promote equity and respect among society.

Our poems and songs represent our concern about how inequity tends to be left untouched in our society. Through poetic words, we express our feelings and hope while at the same time inviting the readers to closely observe, interpret, and appreciate the literary works.

Through strip comics, we discuss various issues among the society in a humorous yet compelling way. With attractive images and simple stories, it is easier for the readers to relate the new thoughts and viewpoints to their daily lives.

We retell folktales and other well-known stories from different viewpoints to reveal potential values from the stories that have never been discussed before. Our stories invite you play with your imagination and experience familiar stories in many ways.

Our videos raise issues or problems in the community by presenting facts and information that are rarely noticed. Through visual and auditory presentation, our messages can be more easily and flexibly delivered to the wider audience.

Our posters help the audience better understand social issues and invite them to think critically about how all of us altogether can contribute to the betterment of the world.