
Through strip comics, we discuss various issues among the society in a humorous yet compelling way. With attractive images and simple stories, it is easier for the readers to relate the new thoughts and viewpoints to their daily lives.


This work represent a situation where a lot of people still think that toxic masculinity is an issue that not have a deep meaning. This is what makes many people ignore it even though toxic masculinity is something that needs to be eliminated, because men have the right to do whatever they want and have the right to express whatever they feel without being ridiculed by others.

Dhea Eka Syafitri

This work is dedicated to all men who are always stressed to behave in a certain way. Many think that men must show strength, power, and abstain from expressing emotions. Basically, masculine is a good characteristic. However, this becomes toxic or misguided when men are required to have and show masculinity in order to avoid the stigma of “weak men”.

like an example of a situation in a comic that I made, showing that men must be able to play football if they want to be said to be a complete man. in fact, being masculine is not a type of sport that must be mastered. have a gentle, friendly, or sensitive nature, and there is nothing wrong with men.



Ega Putri Natasya

This work represents the view that the Batak people are naughty, violent, and scary. whereas in reality the Batak tribe is the same as other tribes.

Zahira Salsabila

I made this project based on my concern about people nowadays that are often do the “victim blaming” especially on sexual harassment cases, and I want to share awareness about victim blaming. I also dedicating my support for SH victims trough this project.

Syukron Ridho Anggitama

We made this picture to represent Asian people and people whose skin is black because there is still a lot of racism going on against these people. Nobody should be raised rejecting some other individual because of his or her skin color, ethnicity, or faith.
They can be taught to love, for love comes more easily to the human soul than evil.

Sri Melani

This project is shown to people who are still racist towards foreigners or as many of us known in United State, many people are treated unfairlt in terms of religion and skin color.

everyone should respect each other. differences in race, skin color, and religion make us separate, it would be better if we can respect each other for a better life.

Putri Harum 

This work is dedicated to those who think that masculinity can be identified by smoking. 


This work is dedicated to those who feeling insecure about her/his body because of the beauty standard in society 

Nuril Badriyah

This work is dedicated to those who still like to be stuck with inherited culture


This work represents how the gender role stigma is still lingering in society, some activities are still associated with only one gender, for instance, house chores are only for women. I think this stigma needs to be eliminated and I want to share the awareness about house chores are not meant only for women.

So that is why I created the comic strip that brings the topic about this issue. I have struggled so much while doing this work of mine, although my work looks simple, it is actually through many processes. First, I drew the sketch using a pencil. Third, I started coloring, but at this stage, I faced one big problem, the watercolor paper that I used is still had no ability to hold the big amount of watercolor, so I need to retrace it to another better watercolor paper to make a better result.  All the stages that I mentioned before consumed a lot of time, gladly I still can make it on time. About the tools that I used, I used two sheets of watercolor paper sized 310×230 mm, basically, it is just a few bigger than A3 size paper. For coloring, I used watercolor paint from Paul Rubens brand that is my favorite. So, this work values a lot for me. 

Arief Ahsan Hamami  

This comic is intended for the youth Yogyakarta