Short Videos

Our videos raise issues or problems in the community by presenting facts and information that are rarely noticed. Through visual and auditory presentation, our messages can be more easily and flexibly delivered to the wider audience.

Alfaris Setria Narindra radiajati

This work is dedicated to reflect to others that nature is a place too, a place that we can visit for and healing or to seek adventure, and don’t forget to tell people to take part in preserving nature.

Devi Syahfira Nakul

This simple video is about self-love but focused on the selfish that sometimes still hide behind the word ‘self-love’. Selfish and self-love are considered quite difficult to distinguish, so I hope this video can help people (including myself) to ‘at least’ try to realize it first and then try to repair what a way that we think is self-love but turns out it’s selfish. 

Hana Khonsak ‘Aliyah

This video is aimed at people who still like to think that women’s job is only at home to cook and take care of the house. This video is for people who think that women don’t need to study.

Muhammad Dimas Alamsyah

This work is dedicated to fighting for the rights of black people who suffer acts of racism that threaten mental health.

Rifka Indah Nizar

This work is dedicated to the victims of sexual harrasment against women in public places, which is still happening today.

Rui Mulyandani 

This video tells a little about public deception through soap opera scenes in Indonesia, that make no sense and unreality. Then this video is dedicated to everyone to think more critically about public deception issues through entertainment content in Indonesia.