
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb

Dear students, lecturers, staffs and partners. On behalf of the English Language Education Study Program of Universitas Islam Indonesia, I would like to wish everyone a blessed, peaceful and safe Ramadhan of 1441 H.

The Holy Month we’ve been looking forward to is just around the corner. Despite this ordeal we’re facing, let us not lose hope. Let us regain and strengthen our faith in ALLAH SWT through our Ramadhan fasting, prayers, dzikr, and our act of charity.

May we come out of this Holy Month anew, pious and healthy.

Thank you for your kind thought, love and prayers for our beloved Study Program.

May ALLAH SWT continue to ease our burden. May peace and blessing be upon you.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh



Irma Windy Astuti S.S., M. Hum