Academic System

Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta uses the Semester Credit System (or Sistem Kredit Semester abbreviated SKS in Bahasa Indonesia). In this system, the study load of students, the burden of learning experiences, faculty workload, and program administration expenses are expressed in Semester Credit Units.

A SKS is a unit of time of learning in a semester through scheduled activities per week which consists of 50 minutes of lecture, of 50 minute self-study activities, and of 50 minute exercise / assignment / homework. It is also equivalent to twice of 50 minutes practicum or 4 times 50 minutes fieldwork. Each course is rewarded with a number of credits, in accordance with the number of hours per week of activities that are used.

Educational activities must consist of obligatory and optional activities. The obligatory activities must be followed by all students, while the optional ones are provided to meet the burden of total credits that must be met, and a channel of interests, talents, and abilities of each student.

There is no an increase in the level of each academic year under SKS. Number of credits and its composition courses each semester, as well as the completion time of the study should not be the same between one with other students. The number of credits that can be taken in a semester of student is determined by the personal ability shown by the previous semester GPA, except for the first semester students which is part of SKS packet.

Thus, this system provides the opportunity for qualified students to complete the study as short as possible.

Courses are generally grouped into five main groups, namely:

* MPK : Personality Development Courses (Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian)
* MKK : Scientific and Skills Courses (Mata Kuliah Keilmuan dan Ketrampilan)
* MKB : Work Skills Courses (Mata Kuliah Keahlian Berkarya)
* MPB : Working Behavioral Courses (Mata Kuliah Perilaku Berkarya)
* MBB : Living in Togetherness Courses (Mata Kuliah Berkehidupan Bersama)

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