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Registrasi kehadiran di lakukan mulai 07.00 sesuai susunan acara di bawah ini :

“Being a Resilient Learner: Becoming the New You in New Normal Era”

and UII Library Information Session

Hariz Enggar Wijaya, S.Psi., M. Psi., Psikolog

Muhammad Jamil SIP


Life goes on , everyone will experience twists and turns. For students who are experiencing a transition period from high school to higher education, self-resilience is very important to make them believe that their every effort is valuable and that they are able to overcome the challenges they will face. During COVID 19 pandemic when twists and turns become the new normal, being a resilient person can help us to overcome uncertainty.


Based on the analysis of these needs in COVID 19 pandemic, the Department of English Language Education invites 2020 students to attend Webinar Workshop Study Skill  with the theme “Being a Resilient Learner: Becoming the New You in New Normal Era” by inviting resource persons Bapak Hariz Enggar Wijaya, S.Psi., M. Psi., Psikolog,  a lecturer at the Indonesian Islamic University who is also the core board of the Islamic Psychology Association (API) of the Indonesian Psychology Association (HIMPSI). He is a researcher in the field of educational psychology. This workshop also invites Bapak Muhammad Jamil SIP to introduce UII Library service


Outline :

  1. Self-regulation skills to organize identities during the transition of high school students to the first year of college.
  2. Knowledge on how to focus on goals for a successful completion to have a bachelor degrees
  3. Knowledge to navigate the academic services of the UII Library Directorate
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