To become an English Education Department at the Islamic University of Indonesia which excels in studying, developing and implementing English language learning with the concept of multimodality which is based on culturally relevant pedagogy and Islamic values.
- Organize an excel undergraduate education program in the field of English Education based on the concept of multimodality with the development of technological integration that is relevant to local and global culture with Islamic values basis.
- Prepare professionals in the field of English Education based on the concept of multimodality with global perspective, responsive to local culture, and have competence in 1) linguistics, 2) pedagogy, 3) technology, and 4) applied research.
- Increase the quantity and quality of research in the field of English Education based on the concept of multimodality which is oriented towards increasing participation, collaboration, innovation and contribution to problem solving at the national and international levels.
- Conduct community service that contributes to the development and empowerment of national and international communities.
- Build an educational atmosphere for undergraduate program in the field of English Education based on the concept of multimodality that is competitive and accommodate the development of technological integration that is relevant to local and global culture with Islamic values basis.
- Play an active role in the development and empowerment of national and international communities through community service programs and Islamic da’wah by utilizing all forms of communication media.