
Our posters help the audience better understand social issues and invite them to think critically about how all of us altogether can contribute to the betterment of the world.


Habib, Zahro, Richla, Irsyad

We created this poster to be dedicated to everyone so that they don’t immediately judge other people, whether physical, religious, or otherwise showing other people’s covers and also want to invite everyone to always be at peace even though we are different from each other.

End Bad Stereotype about Muslims

Nanda, nurul, nabila , syarif

This poster is made for people who have bad stereotypes about Muslims. There are still people who think badly of Muslims like they are terrorists or bomb carriers. This poster also provides an illustration that Muslims in Islam are taught to be kind to fellow human beings and not to discriminate against each other. Islam also teaches peace and humanity.

Humanity Above Religion

Aulia, najmi, maulida, akmal

This work is made for all the people in the world. It isn’t about the war or government decisions but the people. Hamsa gives hope that future generations can give up the judgment in the prior generations. We are all human, and we have to coexist with one another. The story takes place in Israel as there is an ongoing complex conflict between Israel and Palestine.

When faced with a common danger, humanity teaches the people of this world that one must put his/her differences aside because we are all the same.

Journey towards hope

Trie, sheila, pipit, rifaldi

I want to write this picture after I saw a lot of news of the ongoing warfare in Syria. This picture is intended for the public, that war is so unwelcome by anyone because it gives so many bad impact to the society, especially children. As a human, we must help each other and make peace for the better life.

No difference we are all the same

Nadya, sayidati, kemal, wina

We made this picture to represent Asian people and people whose skin is black because there is still a lot of racism going on against these people. Nobody should be raised rejecting some other individual because of his or her skin color, ethnicity, or faith.
They can be taught to love, for love comes more easily to the human soul than evil.

Stop being racist

Nindi, sesa, dian, leon

This project is shown to people who are still racist towards foreigners or as many of us known in United State, many people are treated unfairlt in terms of religion and skin color.

everyone should respect each other. differences in race, skin color, and religion make us separate, it would be better if we can respect each other for a better life.

Stop hating and start loving

Yasmine, zulfa, irma , reza

This work is made to represent a point of view that we may not judge someone by its cover. Like what has been told in this story the muslim character may have differences (in term of religion etc). The thing is, this story teaches us to recognize someone’s character before judging or even hating them. On the other hand, what is seen through the outside does not necessarily match the reality.
after I see and notice a lot about the humanity, This picture is speaking louder to the society that no matter what your background is, what religion you are, or what race you are from, we should spread kindness and loves and help each other as well whereever and whoever we are.

The chaos

Farah, hani, lia, dwi puja

This work is made to represent the children who are victims of war conflicts and war must be stopped as soon as possible. There have been too many victims of war, starting from children who have lost their parents and many people who have lost their jobs and become homeless. This story also emphasizes that war is inhumane. This picture is intended for people and governments to pay more attention to the physical and mental conditions of children affected by the war, like they lost parents and are homeless.

Peace is for everyone

Novyandi, Zahra, Abdul

This work is made to show us how precious peace is, we can live the best life when there is a peace in there, a conflict and war between us will only cause fear and loss.
A greed just makes us blind about other people’s human right, they dare to do anything just to satisfy their lust.
As example, we saw so many news about ambush in Syria that killed many innocent people, people in Syria often loss their materials and even family by the impact of invader’s ambush that have no mercy.
They hurt innocents that living in a peace, ruin their lives, and destroy their homes.
We must thank to Allah for giving us a much more decent life, we have to understand how precious “peace” is.